Wings Over Houston

Every year Amy and I say we should go to the Wings Over Houston Airshow and every year… we don’t. I’m not a line person – can’t stand to wait in lines. Traffic drives me bonkers. This year we finally just decided to go. I was right about the lines and traffic – both bad. Really bad. Like sit in your car 2 hours and barely move bad. Ugh.

The airshow though? Awesome. Neat to see all of the restored vintage aircraft fly and watch the stunt pilots seemingly cheat death. They had the PA system hooked into a couple of the pilots which was cool. The guy in the oracle stunt plane was talking to the crowd like he was on a Sunday stroll through the park while he was in the middle of 8G turn that would have a normal persons eyeballs in their feet.

The highlight of the day though were the Thunderbirds. Awesome and amazing.

2 Responses to “Wings Over Houston”

  1. How the heck did you get these shots!? Some of them look like you were eye level with the planes. These are AWESOME!

  2. kencobbley says:

    I can jump really high!
    Several times they do a “photo” pass where they fly by kind of tilted down to the crowd. The way the clouds were in the sky that day seemed to help it look like I was in the sky with them. Pretty cool.

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